Planning Kitchens and Business Licensing

The kitchen has a direct influence on the business’ licensing, finances and streamlining. A well-designed kitchen will, no doubt, save a great deal of money for its owners. Streamlining begins with meticulous planning, which is conducted with the client’s full cooperation. We present the entire spectrum of options to the client, and provide the most professional advice, but it is the client who ultimately makes the decision that seems the most appropriate to the perception he is interested in in

Planning the kitchen of a new business starts, first and foremost, with understanding the client, his needs and demands. The second important factor is the type of business and what food it will serve. The Ministry of Health obligates every food-related business to meet certain standards, under the Licensing of Business Law, and sometimes also adds a demand to meet the regulations of a manufacturer’s license. In industrial kitchens, most of the regulations relate to the kitchen itself, a busy area at high risk for cross-contamination. It is essential to understand that the Ministry of Health’s regulations enforcement gets stronger and tighter every year. We often see closing orders for food businesses. The main reason is planning industrial kitchens without professional consultation, which at times can drag the business owner to fines and unexpected expenses, given the need to change the location of expensive equipment or to purchase additional equipment. 

The Beating Heart of the Food Business

The kitchen has a direct effect on everything pertaining to the business’ licensing, financial aspects and streamlining. A well-planned, well-designed kitchen will most certainly save a great deal of money for the owner. Streamlining starts with meticulous, precise planning. Every action that requires double effort wastes the precious resource of time, and this is expressed in wasting money both directly and indirectly. In addition to the planning itself, our firm provides consultations regarding high-quality, professional equipment which is best suited for your business.

And Another Significant Advantage!

In addition to planning your business’ kitchen, our firm takes on all of the phases of business licensing or manufacturing license. Our firm has a highly experienced food consultant, with over thirty years’ experience in planning kitchens. Together, we provide our clients with holistic solutions combined with meticulous architectural planning. We are committed to leading the business licensing procedures fully and professionally, from the planning phase onwards. No doubt, this is highly cost-efficient for the business owner, who can relax and handle the aspects of marketing and advertising, which are so important for the business’ proper operations.

It is important that we stress, that every planning must be preliminarily approved by the Ministry of Health.

Claude Architects—experts in business licensing. Our firm conducts and accompanies your business through all of the planning and licensing phases, and also handles interior design for businesses.

A winner is the one who knows when to fight, and when not to
Sun Tzu, The Art of War