Office Design—a Significant Factor in the Way a Business Conducts

When we plan a business, we consider the owner’s needs and desires: how he is interested in presenting the business to the people who arrive there, and which conditions he is interested in and willing to supply his employees with. All of the studies conducted in companies oversees, demonstrate that a worker who operates in a comfortable environment is highly efficient, inasmuch as an employee who works from home provides the maximum output for his office thanks to his comfortable setting.

Unlike an apartment, there are no fixed rules when it comes to designing offices. We incorporate various combinations of style and maximal functionality for both the employees and the clients. The impression made at the entrance can very well influence the client’s desire to stay. Our vast knowledge and experience will help you choose the message you’d like the place to convey. We have the tools to understand and plan this message in an efficient, optimal way. We believe that your office should convey (among other elements) a message of what it offers the clients—not necessarily a product, but a service provided.

In order to visualize this, try to think for a moment how a law firm, designed as a car rental office, would look. One does not need to think too hard in order to understand that the two are unrelated. One conveys power and victory, while the other attempt to convey confort and reliability. The fundamental difference between the two is done by proper planning and design, colors and textures.

From Idea to Reality—Planning and Designing the Office

When we plan an office, we take into account the owners’ needs and desires—how they would like to present the business to visitors, and what conditions are they interested in and prepared to provide their employees with. All of the studies conducted in companies abroad demonstrate that an employee working in a comfortable environment is more efficient, in a  similar way to an employee working from home. In addition, the studies have found that a calming, liberating environment further contributes to the business, as the employees feel comfortable when working after hours (overtime). In short, convenience and security are beneficial for the business.

We emphasize planning and designing the various office spaces, and incorporating them in the general layout. The main spaces an office requires are:

  • Entrance: mostly includes a reception desk or seats (waiting area). The location of the entrance has a strong influence over the office’s character and design.
  • Sections: the office could include sales, financial management, and control rooms, a conference room etc.
  • Kitchenette: is it meant for everyone who arrives at the office or only for the employees? The answer to this question determines the location and size of the kitchenette.
  • Toilets: are they shared by everyone who arrives at the office, or are there separate toilets for clients and for staff? Sometimes, this depends on the property’s options.

How Can We Contribute to the Design of Your Office?

The general office space is the basis for planning the design and further division into sections. Planning varies according to the requires needs: an open space, a well-divided space for employee use, as well as creating a partition between the public spaces (entrance and waiting/seating area) and the private spaces, meant only for staff use.

The office design serves as the business card for the owner as well as for the business itself. The program we design is made up of various elements that accompany the business all the way to success. We offer construction and electricity plans, as well as plans to lower ceilings and lighting fixtures. Among the many options available for pricing, we can also include a bill of quantities for the entire renovation process, which illustrates the project’s overall cost. This stage helps the business owner make decisions regarding what is more and what is less necessary, in order to meet the pre-determined budget.  

In the public areas—the entrance, reception desk and waiting area—it is important to show boldness, and use unique colors and materials to emphasize certain parts. This process is called architectural branding, and this is our firm’s specialization. We have the capacity to help the uniqueness of your business shine, with the help of precise planning and design that will make all the difference. It is no secret that properly executed planning and design can lead a business to increased success.

Contact us today for a price quote. We will be thrilled to design your office for you.

Life is moving forward, dealing with the past will not change the future
Jean Claude Max