Starting and managing a business are complicated matters, and few people can do this successfully on their own. The ultimate dream of any business owner is to have the business work independently, so he/she can reap the benefits. But it is the nature of such dreams to shatter in the face of reality, regardless of one’s position in the business. A well-run, successful business has neither chance nor grace to thank—only the owner. A business succeeds because its owner has the qualifications that enabled it. But mere qualifications are not enough. They need to be accompanied by a number of additional parameters, the first being the business’ design and branding.

If this is a business that sells services, such as an accounting or legal firm, the office design is of utmost importance. The first time a client walks inside, he gets a hint of the nature of the business and can evaluate and understand who is the person whose services he is about to hire.

However, when referring to a business that sells goods (clothing, electrical appliances, shoe stores, or sporting goods stores), it requires a design that will lure the customer inside. Inside the store itself, one must make sure the design is executed properly, and that there is a “sales route”, intended for the client not to miss a single potential item for purchase in the entire store.

 Highlights for Business Planning and Design

Every business has its own parameters and design the owner is interested to sell: luxury, quality, wholesale, etc. The basis for success is the business name and logo.

-Colors: this is the main point of debate for business owners. A few examples for using colors when designing a business:

  • Branding and design using the color red: red is a prominent color befitting the food business, mostly takeaway restaurants. It draws an audience, and combined with black can be quite useful for pizzerias, steakhouses and cafes.
  • Using the color purple: a unique color that must be used wisely. Purple symbolizes creativity, sophistication, professionalism and a strong presence. It is mostly intended for service-oriented businesses. Its brighter tones (lilac) are often used in perfumeries and cosmetics shops in order to make the walls, or one central wall, stand out and pop.

-Functional planning: maximal planning and exploitation of the space allow the business to present its services at the front, and take advantage to the fullest of the existing space while displaying the products throughout the store. In the large food chains, their marketing staff works overtime and their system works well and proves itself. Notice, for example, that the staple products—milk, bread, eggs, sugar, and flour—are mostly located at the end of the store. This guarantees the clients are exposed to other products they did not originally intend on buying.

-Branding: using the business brand in various ways across the store space increases the client’s confidence, that this is a high-quality, familiar product that leads the clients to not only make a purchase, but also pay more for the product. Utilizing the business’ brand provides the basis of the planning and design process.

Our firm can fully accompany you during the process of designing your business.

Using an interior designer for businesses is an important, even necessary step. Our firm think outside the box and regularly gets updated on the latest design trends. Just at the client upgrades him/herself, so do we. Our firm will personally and faithfully accompany you throughout the project. Our services include providing a complete set of workplans for the contractor working in the field, while overseeing the execution on the ground and accompanying the process of selecting materials. Before we start the process, our firm performs am initial simulation of the suggested plan/design, and only after the client expresses his/her full satisfaction, do we move to the actual planning of the workplans.

Life is moving forward, dealing with the past will not change the future
Jean Claude Max